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Video: How to control mycotoxin contamination in maize and alfalfa silage?
Video: How to control mycotoxin contamination in maize and alfalfa silage?

This video explains how to reduce mycotoxin contamination in corn and alfalfa silage.

Written by Maxime Leduc
Updated over a week ago

This video explains how to reduce mycotoxin contamination in corn and alfalfa silage.

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by fungi that can contaminate animal feeds and crops. They can have negative effects on animal health, including reduced production, reproductive problems, and health problems.

Prevention in the field

  • Choosing healthy seeds: It is important to choose corn and alfalfa seeds that are resistant to fusarium wilt, the fungus that produces the most common mycotoxins.

  • Manage crop rotations: It is important to avoid planting corn or alfalfa after another crop that is susceptible to fusariosis, such as wheat or barley.

  • Use appropriate cultural practices: It is important to properly manage irrigation, drainage, and fertilization to promote healthy plant growth and reduce the risk of mold development.

Harvesting and storage

  • Harvest at the right time: It is important to harvest corn and alfalfa at the right time to avoid mold growth.

  • Dry fodder quickly: It is important to dry fodder quickly after harvest to reduce humidity levels and prevent mold growth.

  • Store fodder in adequate conditions: It is important to store fodder in airtight silos to prevent the entry of air and humidity, which can encourage the development of mold.

Other measures

  • Use fungicides: Fungicides can be used to reduce mycotoxin contamination, but it is important to use them wisely and responsibly.

  • Analyzing fodder: It is important to analyze fodder for the presence of mycotoxins before feeding it to animals.


By following good practices, producers can reduce the risk of contamination of their crops and protect the health of their animals.

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