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Video: How to manage nitrates in fodder and silage?
Video: How to manage nitrates in fodder and silage?

This video explains how to manage nitrates in forages and silages.

Written by Maxime Leduc
Updated over a week ago

This video explains how to manage nitrates in fodder and silage.


  • Nitrates are nitrogen compounds that may be present in fodder and silage.

  • They can be dangerous for the health of animals, especially ruminants, if they are present in too large quantities.

  • Nitrates can be transformed into nitrites in the stomachs of animals, which can lead to poisoning.

Factors that influence nitrate content:

  • Plant growth conditions: plants absorb nitrates from the soil. Growing conditions, such as drought or excessive fertilization, can increase nitrate levels in plants.

  • Plant type: Some plants, such as sorghum, pearl millet, and maize, are more likely to accumulate nitrates than others.

  • Plant maturity: nitrates are more concentrated in young plants than in mature plants.

Nitrate management:

  • It is important to test forages and silages to measure their nitrate content.

  • There are several agricultural practices that can help reduce nitrate levels in forages, such as:

    • Do not over-fertilize the soil.

    • Graze plants before they are too mature.

    • Harvest fodder at the right time.

    • Ferment silages properly.

Hazard to human health:

  • Nitrates can also be dangerous for human health, especially when handling silage.

  • It is important to take protective measures when handling silage, such as:

    • Wear gloves and a mask.

    • Ventilate workplaces properly.

    • Do not enter silos during fermentation.


Nitrate management is important for animal and human health. By following good agricultural practices and taking protective measures, it is possible to reduce the risks associated with nitrates.

Important things to remember:

  • Nitrates are nitrogen compounds that can be dangerous to animal and human health.

  • The nitrate content of forages and silages depends on several factors, such as plant growth conditions, plant type, and plant maturity.

  • It is important to test forages and silages to measure their nitrate content.

  • There are several agricultural practices that can help reduce nitrate levels in forages.

  • It is important to take protective measures when handling silages.

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