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Video: How to make forage systems resilient and resistant to climate change?
Video: How to make forage systems resilient and resistant to climate change?

This video discusses the impacts of climate change on forage systems and strategies to make them more resilient.

Written by Maxime Leduc
Updated over 8 months ago

This video discusses the impacts of climate change on fodder systems and strategies to make them more resilient and resilient.

Impacts of climate change on fodder systems

Climate change has a number of impacts on fodder systems, including:

  • Increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere: This affects plant growth and can change the composition of grasslands.

  • Changes in extreme climate events: Droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures are becoming more frequent and intense, which can damage grasslands and reduce fodder production.

  • Decreased fodder quality: Periods of drought or excessive humidity can affect the nutritional value of forages.

  • Increased weed and disease pressure: Climate change may encourage the development of certain weeds and diseases that can affect grassland health.

Strategies to make fodder systems more resilient

There are several strategies to make fodder systems more resilient to climate change, including:

  • Increase species diversity: Diversifying plant species in grasslands can help reduce the impacts of extreme climate events.

  • Improving the system's ability to adapt: This can be done through agronomic practices such as crop rotation, soil management, and fertilization.

  • Integrate agroforestry practices: Integrating trees into fodder systems can help protect grasslands from sun and wind, and improve soil quality.

  • Use resistant cultivars: There are forage plant cultivars that are more resistant to droughts, floods, and diseases.

  • Managing pastures sustainably: Good pasture management can help maintain the health of grasslands and reduce their vulnerability to climate change.


Climate change is a major challenge for fodder systems. However, there are several strategies that producers can implement to make their grasslands more resilient and resilient. By adopting these practices, producers can help ensure food safety and protect the environment.

Note: It is important to note that this video was released in 2021. It is possible that new research and strategies have been developed since then.

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